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商品コード2BB4TD5KCE商品名ジュニア・ガソリンスタンドセット 10659ブランドレゴ (LEGO)メーカー型番10659商品仕様本体サイズ :対象年齢 :4歳から8歳まで対象性別 :対象性別 :男の子対象年齢 :主な製造国 :チェコ共和国電池 :使用 電池種別 :LEGO, the LEGO logo and DUPLO are trademarks of the LEGO Group. (C)2013The LEGO Group.製造国 :安全基準 :CE言語:イタリア語Take the world of creative building everywhere with the LEGO Blue Suitcase. Get building with a fun and iconic gas station theme. The 146 colourful elements all fit into a handy case, complete with a sorting function that.s easy to take anywhere. Build cool vehicles and fill them up at the gas station. Includes two minifigures and building instruction booklet with inspirational ideas.Take the world of creative building everywhere with the LEGO Blue Suitcase. Get building with a fun and iconic gas station theme. The 146 colourful elements all fit into a handy case, complete with a sorting function that.s easy to take anywhere. Build cool vehicles and fill them up at the gas station. Includes two minifigures and building instruction booklet with inspirational ideas.

  • 商品価格:25,800円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)